Monday 5 October 2015

The Two Impairable Kinds Of People

Knowing The Kinds Of People:

            In this world of hatred we often don't get comfort and remedy. Everyday is a day survived. People are mainly categorized into two types. 

                   1. Resolved People
                   2. Dubious People

1.Resolved People :

                               These type of people are often firm in their decisions and are not disorganized. They understand the people. We often see peoples of such in higher positions and respect. For ex:Thomas Alva Edison. We know that he created the "Light Bulb". It doesn't matter whether he is afraid of the dark or not,well in this world who isn't. He had a strong intention to create something that could give humanity a great benefaction. He tried so hard and finally gave electric light bulb to Human Beings. Without such a great invention there won't be any scope for the new inventions. In such the latest innovations are bounded to this great gift. So firm decisions are always leading to success in an individual's life and enlightens others. In the modern world we see the examples of resolved people,not only they have the power to create things they gain power over people too. 

It's not because they have the great persona it's totally and on all counts only due to their dedication to brighten the mankind. 

2.Dubious People :      

                               Doubtful and wavering.These kind of people are among the common. They have no strong decisions and hence would like to go work in something and live the life. In this case people are in need of a second help. They often need counselling and could not make decisions in their life without it. In major cases they are always on the verge of death due to their depression. Since interaction between human beings is social it is more in need for the dubious kind. In some cases they reject help from others and would only find frustration and apathy. This happens when the person doubts the other person too. They become unsuccessful ,thus they are not able to make into the top list. The leaders and top legends tried to bring self esteem in mankind but the world is floating on hatred and disbelief.                                           

The above saying defines the cause for dubious feeling in human beings. Politically governments are full of dubious rules. And a person when in custody needs justice he won't get it. We see rules and amendments made from the dubious hierarchy,what we won't see is it's true nature at work. We need to open our eyes. 

lack of trust

                         As the picture above we don't need to reach for that statement  which is awkward,but need to know what's happening and what's going to happen beforehand.
For more -     Two kinds of people

  "Uncertainty and actions pertaining to it will give nothing"- Noel Patrick

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1 comment:

  1. Swaying between theories to know the concealed truth.
