Tuesday 22 September 2015

Theory Of Love

The World Mystified By The Word "Love"

     Well "love" is a magical word and the same it feels when two people love each other. It takes away all the flaws in the other person when the one at first sight sees love. Love might be blind but people are emerging with evil desires to envy and hold captive the other for mischievous deeds. People have died for it and also because of it. We need to find out the real depth of Love and the types we need to know..

 Types of love: 

                           1. Eternal Love
                   2. Friendly Love
                   3. Erotic Love
                   4. Deceptive Love

1.Eternal Love : 

                            Love is everlasting and it doesn't fade away with time no matter the state it is in between two. We see this kind of love shown by Jesus Christ. And it still captures the hearts of millions of people world wide. In human beings love stays and goes away if the person dies,as a matter of fact it changes with time. The people move on to find another partner. But GOD loves you eternally.

Gods eternal love Gods eternal love

A MOTHER loves her child forever and we know how warm it feels. We know how many times we accuse and scold but still get her love. Eternal love expects nothing in return but love and love and love and so on and on........ 

how to know your mothers love

2.Friendly Love : 
                              This kind of love is not intimate but has it's limits and
strategies. We have friends some are real close and some we put them at a
distance. This defines that people consider their friends as the one they can trust and with whom they can share anything(non-sexual). Usually we see this as love between brothers, sisters and brother&sister. The people love each other no matter what the other person is like or what ever he/she does. They stand by and protect each other.

A friends Love


3.Erotic Love :

                           Erotic love is caused only due to sexual desires and this in no way is connected to the other kinds of love. The person finds his mate erotic based on each individual's own desires. It also depends on the individuals culture and the surroundings. But people need to know themselves and what they want to become to have a fabulous future and control the erotic senses. 

4.Deceptive Love :

                                              This is not a real love. It was merely a counterfeit. People tend to make the other person believe that they are loving and they would like to establish an everlasting relationship. Well in the process of making a deceptive love they have some needs to fulfill and some selfish wants to get,also for doing malicious things to hurt and kill. The preys are mostly men and women who have a soft heart and fragile minds they get easily deceived. The person(victim) cannot be able to detect such activity and thus will lead to his/her own destruction.  

Thankyou for reading!!!!

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