Tuesday 12 July 2016


Doctors Today :

                        The Doctors all over the world were trained to serve the sick. And that's what makes the people to believe in them with Life. What the people can never understand is that the doctors are not all same and they have selfish goals,lust,greed for money,violation of oath.
Doctors Oath:

"I solemnly pledge to consecrate my life to the service of humanity . . . 
I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity;
The health of my patient will be my first consideration;
I will respect the secrets that are confided in me . . .
I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;
I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat . . . ."      

Do we have doctors that take the oath or abide by it? 

From what we see today we know that Humanity does not exist in doctors anymore but was replaced with money. If there is a patient in distress and in need of urgent treatment the doctors want to see money before they touch the patient which is so Inhuman.  

In other cases they Abuse patients physically. Patients in Mental hospitals are nothing but Lab Rats. We see news about sexual abuse by doctors on patients by inducing drugs. We call it RAPE in formal.

It's just doesn't end with these but the doctors are business persons. They sell patients body for sex, organs, blood all for money. It's easy to judge if they are surely not even the part of the very first line of the Oath. 

Caring for patients health is the least they care about in today's world,cause doctors are no Gods but merely selfish and brutal human beings in disguise. 

The Caduceus(Symbol):

The symbol has a secret meaning which almost amounts to the cause of threats for humanity( refer above four paras).

A saying by Stuart L. Tyson goes like this.
From above saying it's clear what is happening around. Beware of Doctors. There is a Quota.

                             We need to bring justice to the inhumane practices by implementing rules for human safety,start organisations which fight for justice by regular inspection of Hospitals.
For all this to happen we need to change the person we see in the mirror.

Thank-you for your time reading this. Will be back with inspiring things for a better society. Please Share this post if you like it. Comments are welcomed. Thank-you......

Friday 22 April 2016

The Dying Earth


                                                   We walk on this earth with a soul filled with unending desires. We walk on the corpses that built our nations. We walk on the buried history that turned into a mystery. We are living on a planet we know not completely about as we don't care. We are grown stubborn fulfilling our own needs. We Love,Live,Laugh and DIE, But do we care about anything else? We are heartless souls that end up useless. Technologies increase, Industries rise, do they do any good? We are gravely self-centered. What is Hope in our lives? We kill animals, we cause them harm, What is Humanity?

                                                    The sweet sound of birds have turned to machinery sounds and ringtones. Radiations killing Ecosystems and beautiful Birds.We cut trees but do we grow them? We are living in the world of technology that causes more harm than good. Nothing is stronger than nature, for in the earth quakes,Storms, floods, Cyclones we see and know that.

 But do we stop and think for a moment "what if i plant a seed,grow a tree, eat the fruit of earth, set animals free, live in nature's bosom like a Flower" The Mother Earth understands and adjusts to our lifestyle even after getting burnt,cut,drilled,broke so that someday the Humans can understand Her.

                                     EARTH SONG

What are we doing on the only Earth we know of,we eat of,we live of.? Everyone is afraid of the DOOMSDAY. And the time is running out. What is the cause? We HUMAN BEINGS. 


                Change you lifestyle, change your ways, Love nature, Live in nature. And become a part of THE EARTH. 

Thank-you for your time reading this. Will be back with inspiring things for a better society. Please Share this post if you like it. Comments are welcomed. Thank-you......

Monday 5 October 2015

The Two Impairable Kinds Of People

Knowing The Kinds Of People:

            In this world of hatred we often don't get comfort and remedy. Everyday is a day survived. People are mainly categorized into two types. 

                   1. Resolved People
                   2. Dubious People

1.Resolved People :

                               These type of people are often firm in their decisions and are not disorganized. They understand the people. We often see peoples of such in higher positions and respect. For ex:Thomas Alva Edison. We know that he created the "Light Bulb". It doesn't matter whether he is afraid of the dark or not,well in this world who isn't. He had a strong intention to create something that could give humanity a great benefaction. He tried so hard and finally gave electric light bulb to Human Beings. Without such a great invention there won't be any scope for the new inventions. In such the latest innovations are bounded to this great gift. So firm decisions are always leading to success in an individual's life and enlightens others. In the modern world we see the examples of resolved people,not only they have the power to create things they gain power over people too. 

It's not because they have the great persona it's totally and on all counts only due to their dedication to brighten the mankind. 

2.Dubious People :      

                               Doubtful and wavering.These kind of people are among the common. They have no strong decisions and hence would like to go work in something and live the life. In this case people are in need of a second help. They often need counselling and could not make decisions in their life without it. In major cases they are always on the verge of death due to their depression. Since interaction between human beings is social it is more in need for the dubious kind. In some cases they reject help from others and would only find frustration and apathy. This happens when the person doubts the other person too. They become unsuccessful ,thus they are not able to make into the top list. The leaders and top legends tried to bring self esteem in mankind but the world is floating on hatred and disbelief.                                           

The above saying defines the cause for dubious feeling in human beings. Politically governments are full of dubious rules. And a person when in custody needs justice he won't get it. We see rules and amendments made from the dubious hierarchy,what we won't see is it's true nature at work. We need to open our eyes. 

lack of trust

                         As the picture above we don't need to reach for that statement  which is awkward,but need to know what's happening and what's going to happen beforehand.
For more -     Two kinds of people

  "Uncertainty and actions pertaining to it will give nothing"- Noel Patrick

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Tuesday 22 September 2015

Theory Of Love

The World Mystified By The Word "Love"

     Well "love" is a magical word and the same it feels when two people love each other. It takes away all the flaws in the other person when the one at first sight sees love. Love might be blind but people are emerging with evil desires to envy and hold captive the other for mischievous deeds. People have died for it and also because of it. We need to find out the real depth of Love and the types we need to know..

 Types of love: 

                           1. Eternal Love
                   2. Friendly Love
                   3. Erotic Love
                   4. Deceptive Love

1.Eternal Love : 

                            Love is everlasting and it doesn't fade away with time no matter the state it is in between two. We see this kind of love shown by Jesus Christ. And it still captures the hearts of millions of people world wide. In human beings love stays and goes away if the person dies,as a matter of fact it changes with time. The people move on to find another partner. But GOD loves you eternally.

Gods eternal love Gods eternal love

A MOTHER loves her child forever and we know how warm it feels. We know how many times we accuse and scold but still get her love. Eternal love expects nothing in return but love and love and love and so on and on........ 

how to know your mothers love

2.Friendly Love : 
                              This kind of love is not intimate but has it's limits and
strategies. We have friends some are real close and some we put them at a
distance. This defines that people consider their friends as the one they can trust and with whom they can share anything(non-sexual). Usually we see this as love between brothers, sisters and brother&sister. The people love each other no matter what the other person is like or what ever he/she does. They stand by and protect each other.

A friends Love


3.Erotic Love :

                           Erotic love is caused only due to sexual desires and this in no way is connected to the other kinds of love. The person finds his mate erotic based on each individual's own desires. It also depends on the individuals culture and the surroundings. But people need to know themselves and what they want to become to have a fabulous future and control the erotic senses. 

4.Deceptive Love :

                                              This is not a real love. It was merely a counterfeit. People tend to make the other person believe that they are loving and they would like to establish an everlasting relationship. Well in the process of making a deceptive love they have some needs to fulfill and some selfish wants to get,also for doing malicious things to hurt and kill. The preys are mostly men and women who have a soft heart and fragile minds they get easily deceived. The person(victim) cannot be able to detect such activity and thus will lead to his/her own destruction.  

Thankyou for reading!!!!

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